Can I be honest? I don’t like the term “coach.”

It feels overused and the goals-oriented approach I was taught in my training didn’t resonate with me. Don’t get me wrong, there are some amazing coaches out there and there’s an approach for everyone, but it just doesn’t align with me.

The truth is, I don’t have it all figured out. Nobody does. What I offer is an alliance, a commitment to support you through this leg of your journey. I value deep, meaningful connections with the women I work with, creating a nurturing space in which they feel safe to be vulnerable, and where we can shed light on the shadows together. In this space, healing and self-discovery unfold naturally.

My toolbox includes movement, guided meditations, breathwork, creativity, reflective writing, and sacred sexuality. These are practices that I’ve personally benefited from on my own journey and have guided others through. Through dedicated study and exploration, I continue to deepen my understanding and practice of these transformative methods. They’re designed to help you reconnect with your body, tap into your inner wisdom, and embrace your feminine essence.

Something really has shifted within me to my core with the work we’ve done together and I am so grateful for you and for your time!

It has been a beautiful ride together! I am so happy I decided to reach out for your help.

MARTINE, Costa Rica

Book a Free Discovery Call

Do you need support navigating a spiritual awakening?

Do you want to build a better relationship with yourself?

Do you want to absolutely love your body?

Do you want to reclaim your sexuality?

Do you want to work through trauma in addition to working with your psychologist/psychiatrist?

Does working with me feel expansive?

I invite you to book a free discovery call so we can get to know each other!

For much of my life, I lived disconnected from my body, perpetually unaware of its needs or desires, not feeling like it even belonged to me. I learned to reclaim my Wild Woman through movement, sacred sexuality, and by honoring my emotions, allowing me to more fully embody my feminine spirit. It has been a long and beautiful journey which continues to be an ever-unfolding process requiring consistent nurturing, but it is worth it.

I am honored to help other women reconnect to themselves and their feminine essence by creating safe spaces for her to be seen and expressed.


"I’m ending the year more EMPOWERED to be Myself, more at ease in my Body, more CONNECTED with my Soul’s PURPOSE."


F R E E   R E S O U R C E S