Soul Portraits are crafted for the visionaries—the teachers, coaches, and leaders who are ready to step into their full presence. This isn't just about photography; it's about capturing the essence of who you are and translating it into visuals that resonate deeply with your audience.

Imagine portraits that not only showcase your outer beauty but also reflect your inner strength, passion, and vulnerability. Whether you're launching a new offering, refreshing your website, or simply looking to make a powerful statement on social media, Soul Portraits allow you to express your unique energy and message to the world.

This is for the ones who inspire others, the ones who lead with their hearts, and the ones who are unafraid of being seen. Let's create images that do more than capture your likeness; let's create images that reflect your soul.

"I am weeping. These are so precious to me. You have truly captured my essences… the ones that sometime get buried because the “freedom windows” are not always open to express them. I felt so relaxed and accepted for who I was with you... I could be the wild crone, the playful yogi, the contemplative alchemistress. This is an intense time of my life as I knock on some “later year doors” and peek inside. There are many lifetimes wrapped up in these photos and I see “her” on all of them. Thank you for creating a true safe space for her to be present."





or message me on WhatsApp: +1 514 519 1406

For much of my life, I lived disconnected from my body, perpetually unaware of its needs or desires, not feeling like it even belonged to me. I learned to reclaim my Wild Woman through movement, sacred sexuality, and by honoring my emotions, allowing me to more fully embody my feminine spirit. It has been a long and beautiful journey which continues to be an ever-unfolding process requiring consistent nurturing, but it is worth it.

I am honored to help other women reconnect to themselves and their feminine essence by creating safe spaces for her to be seen and expressed.


F R E E   R E S O U R C E S